AprilAire media filter


Saving Money

The answer is simple. Dust and debris in the filter slows down the flow of air, forcing your heating or cooling system to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. This wastes energy and adds to your utility bills. Heating and air conditioning make up nearly half of the energy costs in a typical U.S. home. A clogged filter causes those systems to use 15 percent more energy, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Air Pollution

EPA studies indicate that the levels of many air pollutants may be two to five times higher in indoor air than outdoor air. About 40,000 dust mites, which increase the chance of asthma development,* can live in just one ounce of dust. Aprilaire can help you fight back at the particles that are harming your home and your family.

A whole-home air purifier will help you manage it. Installed as part of your home's heating and cooling system, it puts you in complete control of indoor air pollution. When your HVAC system fan is on, it delivers cleaner, healthier air not just in one room, but throughout your entire home. A whole-home air purifier can help you.

Cleaner Air

Forgetting to change your filter and a poor filter setup are the main killers of you Heating and Air system. With this setup you will only need to change the Filter every 6-12 months and will have a great filter setup for years to come.

Aprilaire can provide your family with whole-home indoor air quality solutions that provide an effective and effortless method of dust removal. Our air purifiers remove up to 94% of the dust in your home, significantly reducing visible dust and cleaning time, along with incidences of respiratory irritation.